Week 4 - Medicine + Technology + Art

It was very interesting in the professors video lecture learning about the way the human body has been studied and where the results of these studies have lead. for the first art of the lecture we learned about human dissection and anatomy. Many artist and sciences have studied the body throughout history to have a better understand of how and what the body is capable of. drawing figures of the body using skeletons and cadavers of living human body is a common practice among artists. An example that was used of how anatomy and art exist together is the famous BODIES exhibit. The artist used preservatives to making sculptures of once living forms in a way the people have never seen the inside of a human body before. this is a perfect segway to the part of the lecture about plastic surgery and robotics and technology. i love the artist Orlan and her live plastic surgery art piece. her attention to detail for her artistry is great. using famous paintings as a reference to the surgeries sh...