It was very interesting in the professors video lecture learning about the way the human body has been studied and where the results of these studies have lead. for the first art of the lecture we learned about human dissection and anatomy. Many artist and sciences have studied the body throughout history to have a better understand of how and what the body is capable of. drawing figures of the body using skeletons and cadavers of living human body is a common practice among artists. An example that was used of how anatomy and art exist together is the famous BODIES exhibit. The artist used preservatives to making sculptures of once living forms in a way the people have never seen the inside of a human body before. this is a perfect segway to the part of the lecture about plastic surgery and robotics and technology. i love the artist Orlan and her live plastic surgery art piece. her attention to detail for her artistry is great. using famous paintings as a reference to the surgeries shes getting to everyone in the room being dressed in designer outfits to the philosophical literature she reads aloud and to the actually physical changes she is making to her body.
The entire time i was watching the lectures and reading the articles i kept think about people are part of the world of bio hacking or body hacking. essentially people use different technologies and incorporate them into there bodies to become in a way cyborgs. people sometimes put magnetic in there ears to have built in speakers or wifi implants to monitor there vitals, the possibilities are limitless. the apple watches and fitbits we all use are typical but once it is attached to our bodies that open a whole new world. the artist below was born color blind and uses a implant antenna to hear color. watch below.
Artist Dustin yelin uses layers of painted glass to crate abstract paintings of anatomy of humans. this reminded me of the part of the lecture about MRIs and the human body project where they took images of the individual slices of the human body. Yelin began by studying the human anatomy and creating bodies inside of resin. fearing his health from resin fumes he moved to panels of glass. This process of painting individual glass panels reminded me so much of mri imaging and how it creates a body and i could help but see a direct connection between the two.
UCLA - Broad Art Center Design Even though i never specifically thought about the idea of two cultures or how it effected my life and practice before i read and heard the lectures i can see how it has a lot more grounding than i would expect in my life. Currently as a student of the UCLA art department we heavily use art studio practices with emphasis on critical theory and thought. These means of art practice is how i see CP Snow ideas of two cultures in his lecture in 1959 as separated by literary intellectuals and natural science. Practicing and creating art is where i see the two cultures coming into play, being on the side of the north campus our ways of teaching and navigating learning environments are different in many ways. Where i see these fields of art and science merge in our department, or in other words a third culture, is when we start really getting into the details of what an art work does.
After watching the video lectures from the professor i started to realize how much robotics rely on the moving of metal parts and electronics. To me these two components are where robotics got its start, now you could substitute metal with any type of material you'd like plastic, organic, wood and so on. With Gutenberg's innovation of the printing press around the 1400's we start to see the bases of how robotics began and how a bunch of metal part can move together. later on with things like the first and second scientific revolution, Michael Faraday studies with electromagnetic s, Tesla innovations with electricity we start to see how modern day robotics were started and shaped by these innovations of the past. as a photographer studying at UCLA my art practice heavily relies on photography and the production of images. Without the progress of robotics a lots of equipment and processe...
Just like the ideas of two cultures i can see and use math and art together all the time in my own photographic practice. in the professors video lectures she went over subjects likes perspective, geometry, symmetry, golden ratio and so on. Iv known that art and math play giant roles in my practice of what i do from the smallest details to the biggest. The camera obscura is part of photography's beginnings, mainly used by people to sketch the outside world on to a two dimensional plain. Without text like Ibn al-Haytham’s book of optics our understanding of light and optics and the scientific method would be less. because of texts like these the camera obscura was made, just like how the eye records an image the camera obscura flip the image upside and flips if horizontally also. Artist Abelardo Morell is a modern day photographer who uses this idea of the camera obscura and recreates them inside of homes to project the outside world into the spaces. completely covering all the w...
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